Horse Stories

Highlander, the Magical Holiday Horse!

Highlander, the Magical Holiday Horse!

Highlander, the magical holiday horse, was a sight to behold. His coat was a shimmering pearlescent cream, his legs were a rich, dark brown, and his mane and tail flowed like spun gold. ...
A Tribute to Queen Elizabeth

A Tribute to Queen Elizabeth

A Tribute to Queen Elizabeth This is a tribute to Queen Elizabeth, who has enjoyed a passion and life with horses from her birth until her death. At the tender age of three, she began...

Horse Heroes – Part VI

Horse Heroes Series The big chestnut stallion turned his head towards The Duke of Wellington as if to say, "Are we done for the day? Is that all there is?" Copenhagen, as he...
The Legend of the Pale Horse

The Legend of the Pale Horse

The great white horse was thought to have been created during the Anglo-Saxon era by either King Alfred as a celebratory emblem to commemorate his victory over the Danes in 871 or by Hengist, the first Saxon king, whose emblem was a white horse

And the 2019 Retirees Are…

Every year, Breyer sends some of its models out to pasture to make room for new and exciting up and comers. The list is in and it's official, so if you see that...
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