Free Holy Grail Affiliate Breyer Horse Store Program Introduced!
Free Holy Grail. Do you have a Holy Grail? Many model horse collectors have problems obtaining that one model that seems to always elude them. There are multiple reasons for this. One might be that there just isn’t one available for sale on the market, but the biggest one is usually a lack of funds to buy that dream horse once they find it.
Well, I believe the money issue may have just been solved. Here, at the Breyer Horse Store, we have designed what I believe is a “first of its kind” Affiliate Program in which every collector who is interested in Model Horses can earn extra cash! Yes, this means that you will be earning money off my personal collection and everything that is listed in the store. Can you think of a time when you were ever able to earn off someone else’s horse sales? Nope, me neither! Now, you can!
It’s very simple to start earning. Just Register as an Affiliate on our site and you will be given a unique Affiliate URL link that you can immediately start to share with your collector friends and groups, in social media posts, through videos, in news feeds, emails and in private chats. When somebody comes through to our store on your Affiliate link and makes a purchase, it will automatically generate a 7% commission to you. That’s exciting, right? Wait, there’s more. You will have your very own dashboard on which you will be able to track your sales, see how many people came through your link, cash out your money and so much more.
How it might be A Free Breyer Horse Model Holy Grail
In Images detailed orientation examples are shown

We have horses selling from as low as $5 all the way up to $8000. For example, if somebody comes through your link and spends $500, you will earn $35 on that sale. The more you share your Affiliate link, the more money you can earn for that Holy Grail you have always wanted. You can also just cash out and use your earnings any way you desire.

So what are you waiting for? Get on over to the store and register yourself in our Breyer Horse Store Affiliate Program and start earning today!
Happy Trails!