Lyndsey 18th birthday cake sent by mom to surprize
New breyers at her 7th by Mommy

An ever increasing number of bakers nowadays acknowledge custom requests for unusual birthday cakes. One-of-a-kind custom cakes and cupcakes in unique patterns are becoming a popular request from customers. Why? Simply because cakes have become an individualized item that takes center stage at every special occasion and people are continually searching for ways to make their events memorable. An intriguing cake isn’t simply part of the nourishment or refreshments, it’s an icon that every party goer will remember. The cake is the centerpiece of every party and can inspire great emotion if it is done properly

Lyndsey 8th Birthday Gift

One teen got to experience this phenomenon first hand on her 18th birthday in January 2018.
Having grown up collecting Breyer horses with her mother, Lyndsey had a deep love for everything horse related and it showed in all of her birthday celebrations.

Her Passion Horse Riding

On January 8, 2018, the day of her 18th birthday she got a surprise visit from a local bakery who delivered a large gift box to her doorstep. The package had been sent by her mom who could not be with her daughter on her 18th birthday because she was overseas on a business trip. However, like all loving mothers, distance was not going to keep her from expressing her love for her daughter. Mom knew a cake was the perfect gift. Lyndsey opened her package and was thrilled to find a beautiful unicorn cake inside!

Needless to say, it was a memorable day for Lyndsey even if it was only a cake, delivered by a bakery to her house, on her 18th birthday, in the shape of a unicorn!

So, don’t overlook the centerpiece of your next special event or get together and be creative. The bakeries of today are up for the challenge. Now you can eat your cake and enjoy it, too!
