Thanksgiving Blessings
Thanksgiving Blessings. In the heart of a bustling city, amidst the towering skyscrapers and the ceaseless hum of traffic, there existed a small, forgotten stable, home to a gentle giant named Rusty. Rusty was...
The Legend of the Pale Horse
The great white horse was thought to have been created during the Anglo-Saxon era by either King Alfred as a celebratory emblem to commemorate his victory over the Danes in 871 or by Hengist, the first Saxon king, whose emblem was a white horse
Smile, it’s Contagious!
Just like people, did you know that a smile goes a long way with horses, too? It's true. In 2016 researchers and psychologists at the University of Sussex performed a study on...
Polo, “Game of Kings, King of Games”
The ancient game of Polo, also known as the Game of Kings and the King of Games, is a team sport played with mounted riders on very fast Polo Ponies! It almost resembles...