
As you may or may not know, I have started a unique community website for horse lovers and model horse collectors. Perhaps you’ve had a chance to read some of my blogs or maybe you were not aware of it, but I am reaching out to you because this project I have undertaken is really bigger than even I could have imagined (I know that if you know me, you know my vision is quite large)! My Breyer Heart is bigger, yikes!

I need help with several different things and if you can be so gracious as to help me with any of them, I would be forever grateful to you. Without further ado, here is a list of the different ways you can lend a hand if your heart speaks to you to do so:

  • I need traffic! My blogs need to reach more people in the horse and model horse communities. I am posting a new blog daily and then I share it on several sites. If you can go to any one or all of these sites and “Like” my blog that would help. If you can “Share” it with your friends or other sites you may belong to, that would be even better! Please “Subscribe” to my You Tube site (#7 below). Here are the links to the sites I currently post on:
  • I need blog content! It’s not that I don’t have ideas to write about, it’s that I need many blogs to launch this site and rank up on Google and I am only one person. If you have a story to share about horses or model horse collecting or even your own personal story, I would love for you to submit it to me. I will review it and feature it in one of my daily blogs with you as the author. Please send your short story to: Include any pictures you might have.
  • I need auction listings! The main reason I created this site was that as a model horse collector, I like to buy and sell my horses from time to time and the only real option available was ebay. I found their fees to be so high that I actually was losing money on my horses or overpaying for the ones I was purchasing. Ebay takes a hefty 10% cut on every sale plus fees on shipping. They also limit your shipping fees so much that you lose money on them almost every time. Recognizing this problem prompted me to put together MyBreyerHeart Auction site to save all of the people selling their models on ebay money and give them another choice. Our fee is only 5% per sale, no shipping restrictions or fees and a low monthly membership with unlimited listings. Now the model horse seller and buyer can truly save money. If you have models to sell, please list them on our auction site or in our classified section.
  • Lastly, I need People! My Breyer Heart is a really big idea combining an ebay site (auction and classified) with a Facebook site (community and blog). Imagine both of those sites together and you know what I am talking about. Since we are just a young company getting ready to launch officially in July at Breyerfest 2019, I am looking for writers, people experienced with driving traffic, managing Mail Chimp and online marketing. If you fit any of these or know someone who does, please contact me at

Thank you, thank you and thank you for any help you can give me. I wish you joy and prosperity, but most of all, I wish for you a heart of gratitude and happiness. Happy trails to you and thanks, again.
