Most Valuable Stone Model Horse
Most Valuable Stone Model Horse
Most valuable Stone model horse is our today's featured topic. Stone model horses are always valuable because of their one...
What is Breyer Horse Collection and its Collector
What is Breyer Horse Collection and its Collector.
Breyer horses are a popular line of model horses produced by the Breyer Animal Creations company. The...
A Tribute to Queen Elizabeth
A Tribute to Queen Elizabeth
This is a tribute to Queen Elizabeth, who has enjoyed a passion and life with horses from her birth until...
Snowbird The Christmas Breyer Horse 2022
Let's meet Snowbird, the Christmas Breyer Horse 2022. He is one of most beautiful Breyer models of the year! As we draw...
Free Halloween 2022 Horse Give Away
Yes, it's true! You are getting the chance to win a Free Halloween 2022 Horse Give Away!
Let's have some fun! We are...
The Reason Why Unicorns Don’t Roam the Earth
An interesting article about real-life unicorns caught on tape as well as a great theory as to why unicorns don't exist in this World.
Brightening up Your Whites Breyer Horse
As collectors, fans and lovers of Breyer horse models, I am sure that you have noticed by now that over time that once beautiful...
BreyerFest 2022 Celebration Horse Prost!
Meet Nikolas, the BreyerFest 2022 Celebration Horse.
This year’s Celebration Model is mold #815, the German Riding Pony, a brand new sculpt from Brigitte Eberl making its...
Horse Heroes – Part VI
Horse Heroes Series
The big chestnut stallion turned his head towards The Duke of Wellington as if to say, "Are we done for the day?...