Model Horse

The Akhal-Teke Horse and its Breyer Models

The Akhal-Teke Horse and its Breyer Models. The Akhal-Teke is a Turkmen horse breed. They are known for their speed, endurance, and intelligence. The Akhal-Teke is one of the...
Highlander, the Magical Holiday Horse!

Highlander, the Magical Holiday Horse!

Highlander, the magical holiday horse, was a sight to behold. His coat was a shimmering pearlescent cream, his legs were a rich, dark brown, and his mane and tail flowed like spun gold. ...
Free holy grail

Free Holy Grail

Free Holy Grail Affiliate Breyer Horse Store Program Introduced! Free Holy Grail. Do you have a Holy Grail?  Many model horse collectors have problems obtaining that one model that seems...

Collaboration Breyer Horses 75% Cheaper than eBay

Breyer Horses 75% Cheaper than eBay. Co-lab-o-ra-tion noun The action of working with someone to produce or create something. Well, you might be wondering what are we going to create? We love coming...
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